Connecting Your Business
Structured Cabling is what connects all the components of your telecommunications infrastructure. You can’t overstate the importance of your structured cabling system. A good analogy is the human nervous system. Information necessary to the function of your body flows along nerve pathways and provides knowledge to each part of your body that keeps it working.
Without the pathways, the parts remain separated, and functions cease. Your cabling system allows each part of your business (computers, phones, fax machines, people) to share the information needed to keep your business functioning successfully.
What Exactly is a Structured Cable System?
To visualize the concept of structured cabling imagine an organized approach to connectivity. For example, in your office you have three desktops, three printers, two fax machines, and four telephones. Imagine if all the cables connecting these devices were visible and sprawled across the floor. You probably couldn’t walk two feet without tripping over a cable.
Now, take the same office and think about one central hub (the hub could be in another room or even on another floor). One point at each workstation connects to the cable structure. That structure remains hidden behind walls, under the floor, or overhead in the ceiling and carries each connection to the hub.
Which structure presents your company in a professional way. Which choice is more efficient? Which option provides you with an easy and flexible way to add, subtract, or move work areas?
What Benefits does Structured Cabling Provide
• Maintains the continuous flow of information
• Allows the sharing of resources
• Moves adds and changes are much faster and easier
• Lots of room for growth
• Reduced downtime
• Clean Professional Appearance
Most Important Considerations
Structured Cabling is not a one size fits all proposition. You will have options and must decide based on your needs what options work best for your unique situation. Some universal considerations work well in all situations, and you should look at them closely before making any decision. Analyze your current business functions until you clearly understand your needs. Any option you choose should include the following:
• Must include support for data, voice, video, and multimedia applications
• Must have design element that will last 15 or 20 years
• Should think about Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Power over Ethernet (PoE), wireless, and security.
• Standards that allow communication with multiple applications
• Bandwidth and growth
Call The Professionals
Tricom employees are licensed and certified cabling installers. They install network wiring for all applications including phone, data, and video. They have the expertise to advise you on which choices match your structured cabling needs, and they will ensure that your system meets or exceeds them. Our installers will also develop a management system including labels that will let you easily identify problem areas.
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